Integrate Your WordPress Site with Instagram

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Integrate Your WordPress Site with Instagram

In the older days, we used to upload every picture from Instagram feed to WordPress. After that, we inserted them into our pages. Now, you have many ways to get the benefits of WordPress and Instagram integration!

WordPress is among the most robust platforms in today's fast-growing business industry. Its vast array of themes and plugins allow users to build functional. And, beautiful websites. Indeed, the best feature of WordPress is its high potential for integration. You can integrate it with every other online service available.

Internet Helps Bringing People Together Virtually

Modern life depends on the use of internet. Too, this dependency cannot get emphasized enough. Without any doubt, this trend will increase over time. This is as a result of technological advancement. This advent of internet has offered us a chance to improve connectivity with the outer world. Also, the connectivity is free of cost, and right from the comfort of our homes.

Besides that, the internet has given rise to many platforms that keep us connected. Consider the use of the internet and the level of connectivity. Due to these social platforms, we can now change an idea into a dream business. In other words, internet marketing is a cheap and effective market.

Today, enterprises are now devising their marketing strategies to incorporate these social platforms. Also, these strategies get designed to create a lasting presence on these platforms. And, to capture millions of users in a matter of a few minutes.

One of the most popular and on-trend platforms is Instagram. It is an attractive platform to share photos. Besides that, a great platform to build an engaged following. Do you own a WordPress site or a blog? You can take advantage of this potential of Instagram by integrating your WordPress. It will help you increase your customer base. Still, it will promote your Instagram account during the process.

Is it a win-win situation in your business book?

Today, Instagram is one of the trickiest and must-have platforms for business owners. And, especially bloggers. Yet, many people do not make the most of these mediums. They fail to use this visual social media to get the greatest effect.

So, it is crucial to learn how to integrate your WordPress with Instagram to boost your website views. Also, to grow your Instagram followers.

No Marketing Campaign can overlook the potential of Instagram.

As per the estimation, Instagram has 600 million active users. And, this is precisely what makes it an inevitable platform for marketers. This platform offers incredible opportunity to boost your brand awareness. Reason being, almost 80% of active users follow a business only on Instagram.

Further, the good part is that it is easier to add your Instagram feed on your WordPress site. It serves as the great way to boost conversion rate and to build interest in the brand. Every marketing campaign requires a video or photo sharing social network platform.

Do you belong to visual industries? For example, makeup and fashion outlets, travel agencies and furniture producers. You can benefit from this platform. Are you a blogger? Then you can personally find great value in this platform. One of the greatest benefit to generate traffic for your content.

Do you know that the per-follower engagement on Instagram is 58 times more than Facebook? And, almost 20 times higher than Twitter?

Instagram has a high user engagement. As a result, it is the most useful platform for marketers all over the world. Besides that, Instagram is global and perfect to capture young audiences. Moreover, several top brands are already using Instagram, especially B2C businesses.

These businesses are significantly benefiting from this platform. In addition, it enables users to take action without asking you for a specific call to action. There are many ways to integrate WordPress with Instagram. Likewise, there are many benefits to integrating WordPress with Instagram. The best way to go about it is to add the Instagram feed to your WordPress site.

How to add Instagram feed to Your WordPress?

Your feed displays all the latest photos that you have uploaded to Instagram, on your site. Are you wondering how it will benefit your business? The primary benefit of incorporating Instagram feed is increasing your brand's exposure. But, this is one benefit among other notable benefits.

Nonetheless, you should make regular update of your Instagram feed. Ensure you update it with shareable and enticing images. Also, complement the feed with relevant and searchable hashtags. As a result, you might maintain a high engagement level. Besides that, you may develop possible long-lasting relationships with your customers.

Local Business

An Instagram feed lets you grow a greater sense of trust. The daily feed of a business help establishing the business's relevance. It displays the innovative side of the market along with its ability to follow trends.

Moreover, you can embed Instagram feed in many ways. You can insert a single Instagram video or picture manually with ease. But, you cannot embed the entire feed in this manner. The most efficient and quickest way to do so is using a dedicated Instagram plugin.

If the plugin approach is not suitable for you, use other 3rd party services available. One famous example is IFTTT. It is a service that helps you create a chain of conditional statements. And, it lets you generate action by triggers.

Cross Promotion

Cross-promotion is a great way to grow traffic on your WordPress site and Instagram. In this way, you can promote one platform with the help of other. In the end, it improves the SEO of your two profiles. For instance, if you have a good customer base on Instagram, you can introduce them to your WordPress site.

For a good start, add the link of your WordPress site in the bio section provided on Instagram. Next, connect the WordPress with your Instagram. However, you can take the help of different plugins designed for this purpose. These plugins are easy to use even if you are a novice. Too, they do not need technical knowledge to do so. Likewise, you can use a plugin and integrate your Instagram feed on your site.

Cross promotion is a type of marketing promotion. This marketing targets one product with development by promoting related products. Also, you can refer to this as cross-media marketing of your site or Instagram profile. This is a win-win situation for both platforms. Further, there is no extra cost attached to this method. Both of your platforms can get promoted at the same time with ease.

Use Relevant Hashtags to Display Instagram Photos within Your WordPress

This is another way to integrate your WordPress with Instagram. To fully achieve this, you must have three things:

  • A WordPress install
  • An Instagram account
  • IFTTT account

All these are the basic things that you must have if you want to integrate your WordPress with Instagram. Indeed, if you do not have IFTTT, then go ahead and get it before proceeding. IFTTT lets you connect many apps through chains of actions known as recipes. For instance, you may perform a specific effect on Instagram.

So, this will trigger a corresponding action on your WordPress. Once you sign up and sign into your IFTTT account, add both your WordPress and Instagram as channels. Find a perfect recipe to automate the entire process of using hashtags well. And, to display particular photos within the WordPress, then set it up.

This might seem like a little time-consuming activity. But, it is an easier and straightforward way to integrate WordPress with Instagram.

Add a Follow Badge and Follower Count on Your WordPress Homepage

This is one of the most usual ways to integrate WordPress with Instagram. In fact, most WordPress sites have an Instagram badge next to Twitter or Facebook button. The idea is to put an Instagram badge along with your followers count on the homepage of your WordPress. But, you can do it with ease using an Instagram Followers Widget plugin.

How to Use the Plugin?

Install and activate the plugin. Thus, a new widget will show in the options under the Widgets tab within your WordPress dashboard. This widget will display a few fields that you must fill all by yourself. Most of them are straightforward, including Access Token and Instagram User ID.

Do you have no idea about Instagram User ID? It is a unique numerical value that get assigned to every account. And, you can easily find yours through this tool. All you need to do is to type the username, click on the option ‘get Instagram user ID'. After that, copy the final value on the related field.

Also, if you want to find the Access Token, you can use another online tool. Click the "generate Access Token" button. Now, log into the account to provide requested permission. After that, copy the final string of numbers and letters into the field of Access Token. Save all the changes to your widget and refresh the WordPress website to see how it appears live.

Share WordPress Images on Instagram

Do you know the easiest way to integrate and promote both platforms? It is by posting images of your WordPress site on your Instagram page. However, do not forget to mention the link of your site in the caption section of your Instagram post. This will help in informing your followers about the new blog post on your site. Too, mention the link in the bio section of your Instagram profile to ensure easy access by followers.

As a result, you can ask your Instagram followers to promote the blog post on your site. Also, this approach is best to boost your blog post and build more traffic on your site by a considerable number. Even bringing one new follower to your site is an achievement. Because, this means their followers on social platforms, will be seeing your content.

In other words, a single follower is capable of bringing tons of new followers to your site. For bloggers, this is an ideal situation. Above all, this is one of the easiest ways to promote a WordPress blog. All you need is to create engaging and relevant content for your followers. As a result, nothing can stop you from making them your future potential customers.


The primary goal of integrating the two platforms is to increase the web traffic. And, to grow the customer base. So, you must keep good follower ship on Instagram so that they can get diverted to your site. Also, ensure your follower-ship comprise of potential buyers of your product or services. Your followers must be genuinely interested in your provided content.

Follower-ship is not just about increasing the count of followers. This might create a fake hype of your brand's popularity. Yet, this is not helpful to increase revenue in the long run. As more features of Instagram get introduced, you get more options and ways to integrate the two. Nonetheless, if you are doing it for the first time, this might seem like a lot of work.

But, if you follow even one of the ways discussed above, you can get all the benefits of integrating the two. This kind of promotion lets you handle the social media presence in a much more effective manner. And, if you value efficiency, the implementation of any of such methods is no-brainier.

So what is your favorite method to integrate Word Press with your Instagram profile? Share your experience in the comment section below!