A CDN service increases the speed of your website by serving cached static content like images, CSS and JavaScript files, from servers located near your user’s geographic location.How this works is, when a user wants to go to a website that uses a CDN, the server closest to the user[...]
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Top WordPress Cache Plugins for your website
Does your website take more than 5 seconds to load? If the answer is yes, you are probably losing potential conversions!You might get surprised, but the speed of your website can be a ‘making or breaking’ factor for you. Besides, excessive time taken in loading a web page harms a[...]
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Quick Tips for Running Your WordPress Website Smoothly
Managing a WordPress website requires you to focus on many elements. You have to think of making your site appealing to visitors, and easy to navigate. Besides, you should ensure it is SEO-friendly and secure. If you miss any of these points, you end up with flaws or glitches that[...]
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Importance of optimizing your WordPress database
Importance of WordPress database optimizationWhen was the last time you updated your WordPress database? Your database size get reduced by unwanted data. However, to clean the data, you must opt for WordPress database optimization. As a result, you will improve the performance. Here are top WordPress lazy load plugins to[...]
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Improve your WordPress performance
In highly competitive corporate market, almost every business owner understands the importance of speeding up their WordPress site. 47% of the customers want their web pages to come up in 2 seconds or less. Even a one second delay could lead to a dramatic 7% drop in site traffic conversions.Boosting your WordPress site Monitor[...]
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Essential Plugins For Mobile Responsive Websites
Mobile operations and enterprise mobility are growing every day. Consequently, there is demand for websites that are Mobile Responsive. Do you have a responsive mobile website? If not, you are missing many potential business leads. Also, it is essential to switch your WordPress site to a responsive and mobile-friendly site.[...]
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